At Sociably Yours, we consider Halloween as the start of the holiday season. This is the time where your invites to social gatherings increase and your need to deck your home out becomes more of a priority.
I particularly like this day because you get to dress up (and pretend to be something awesome) and get free candy! As a child, I remember going trick-or-treating with my cousin/sister/bestie and just having fun with the haul of candy we received. As I matured, I made sure that my kids got to participate in the fun and provided them with little treat bags for all the kids of their classroom that year.
Our philosophy is that everyday is a celebration that should be celebrated well. I was able to stop by the Fox 8 WGHP studio to share some fa-boo-lous tips on creating a frightfully fun Halloween. I always enjoy my time at the studio as it is such a pleasure to come into the home of viewers and share entertaining ideas and tips.
Check out the segment. Happy Halloween!
Be inspired,